Zahedi Dates Wholesale Market

Zahedi dates, in the global market, have meteorically risen to fame over the past few years. The majority of European and Asian countries have developed tastes for this scrumptious natively-grown product, having converted into the central wholesale buyers, especially from Iran.

Reading this article, you will get to know more about the wholesale export and market status of this item. Zahedi dates, as the most high-quality dates, are exported all over the world so that everyone does not see any lack or shortage associated with it. It is interesting to note that Iran sits atop as one of the top tenth countries in the world.

Egypt and Iran rank first producing more than 900 million fresh and dried dates in their respective countries. India, Malaysia and Russia are the major wholesale buyers of this item. Moreover, in the process of trading dates, you should observe all the conditions and standards associated with the export of this item.

Plus, decent shipping methods and packing should be taken into consideration. To put it another way, the matter of exporting has become a perplexing issue for all merchants as they have to deploy state-of-the-art technology to draw everyone’s attention to their products being exported.

Known as one of the best-selling dried fruits, Zahedi dates should be traded with enough attention. This is to say that the export should be carried out directly with no intermediaries, thereby making the purchase more exciting and tempting together with the two main factors known as high quality and reasonable price.

Several studies have shown that the better quality and care in the process of export, the higher revenue merchants have experienced over the course of time. The bottom line is that Zahedi dates market has seen a jump recently, taking advantage of the best conditions and standards.

Zahidi Dates vs Medjool

Have you ever wondered that dates have different varieties grown in different parts of the world? The same goes for Zahidi and Medjool, as they are in sharp contrast in terms of appearance, size and sugar, as also discussed in the following paragraphs.

Zahidi dates are quite distinct compared to Medjool. In other words, Zahidi is smaller in size and lighter in color. Medjool is native to Morocco dating back to thousand years ago first cultivated in Northern Africa, whereas Zahedi is native to Iraq with a sharp-pointed top, oval shape. The Zahidi date, in terms of texture, is firmer and chewier making a crunchy taste.

Zahidi Dates vs Medjool

It is interesting to note that not only Zahidi Dates are high in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, but they are an amazing source of fiber as well as iron, and potassium. Meanwhile, Medjool, as an excellent date high in fiber, helps better digestion, consequently preventing constipation.

The sugar content in the Zahidi differs from that of Medjool. In other words, the one in Zahidi is called Fructose, while Medjool’s is Lactose. Fructose not only has a negative impact on blood sugar but also lowers weight.  Lactose, on the other hand, helps better digestion mostly found in milk. To summarize, there is a wide range of dates available in the market along with different characteristics and properties, as the same goes for Zahidi and Medjool.

Zahidi Dates Origin

Curious about how many varieties dates have? Although there is a wide variety of dates grown in different parts of the world, Zahidi is a special type originating in Iraq. In this article, you will get some information on the origin of Zahidi dates and where they are grown and exported from. Following that, you will have got more understanding of the benefits associated with its exportation.

Zahidi, also called Zohda in Arabic, is one of the best-selling dates in the Middle East, which is exported to Arab countries, Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan, was first cultivated in the north of Iraq. Having moisture content of about 14%, Zahedi is also known as a semi-dried content.

Zahidi Dates Origin

This tasty and crunchy fruit is also cultivated in the date-producing districts of Iran, with Bushehr accounting for the majority of the production. Not only is this type of date exported in large quantities from Iraq, but also Iran has enjoyed major success in its export rate, having witnessed a hike in its revenues since the exportation of this commodity.

Zahidi date has enjoyed remarkable success in its export all over the world. That is, the product, owing to its quality of being organic, is exported and sold worldwide leading to a considerable sum for the exporting country.   It should be noted that those complied with international standards are produced in Iran, therein lies the reason why Iran sits atop as a leading exporter of this type of product.

Above all, the decent packaging methods along with safety standards, also play a major role in raising revenue. To conclude, Zahidi date is produced in mass quantities in countries such as Iran and Iraq, not to mention the number of factors involved in the exportation of this date.

Zahedi Dates Benefits

Looking high and low for dates with magnificent benefits? Zahedi dates come up to all your expectations satiating your thirst for a date high in nutrients and properties. Following this article, you will get to gain a deeper insight into this mysterious nutritious date.

Zahedi is a rich source of nutrients couple required by the human body. This is to say that it is full of carbohydrates supplying all the required energy for the body. In addition, dates are rich in vitamins preventing a number of diseases.

Zahedi Dates BenefitsThis can be illustrated as they prevent the Cold, fatty liver, constipation in pregnant women, stroke, cardiovascular diseases, stomach and intestines cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Another advantage of consuming Zahedi is that they are high in fiber.

In other words, there are around 280 calories per date weighing 100gr. This can make each individual fill stuffed in case of consumption. However, excessive portions cause overweight. Above all, this fiber helps better digestion, leading to people consuming more of this precious fruit. The bottom line is that Zahedi dates can be the optimal option in case you believe in healthy eating.

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