Natural Kabkab Dates Suppliers

Natural kabkab dates suppliers because it has the most diverse samples, will meet the needs of all applicants and each person can buy according to their budget; however the selection speed will also increase significantly and the best dates will go to the applicants. The supplier of dates offers its products online all over the country and this product in addition to its special features has a wide variety of packages that make it easy for people to choose it. This product can be purchased in large numbers which in this case leads to lower prices.

Natural Kabkab Dates Suppliers

What are Kabkab Dates Fruit?

What are Kabkab Dates Fruit? Kabkab dates fruit is one of the most valuable dates in Iran both in terms of food and economy and this date can be easily stored due to its semi-dry nature. Kabab dates have reached the pre-date stage which has more moisture and less sugar, so this product has a very soft texture and delicious taste. This type of date is in harmony with nature in all growth conditions and no chemical fertilizers and growth and strengthening hormones are used. Protect the condition in such a way that no pesticides, chemical pesticides or weeds are needed and used and these products are very healthy. Kebab dates are found in Khuzestan, bushehr and fars provinces and the largest producer of this date is bushehr province and it constitutes about 2% of date palm production in this city. Also, this date has the highest economic productivity in Iran and it is worth mentioning that the geographical indication of kabkab dates is recorded as dashtestan but almost most of this type of date is cultivated in tangestan, kazerun and behbahan regions and its approximate weight is between 2 to 4 grams.

Main Kabkab Dates Specifications

Main Kabkab Dates Specifications Kabkab dates specification is one of the types of dates for export and when this date is fully ripe, it has a dark brown color and is yellowish when wet. Generally, kebab dates are eaten raw and this date is oval and is considered one of the semi-dry or wet dates in Iran. It has skin attached to the fruit and its sweetness is not too much and nasty and this date can be harvested in early august but if you want to pick it fully ripe, you must be patient until early and mid-September. The weight of each kebab date is about 15 grams and if you harvest the date, you must cook it before eating otherwise it is not possible to use it. These dates are very soft, juicy and delicious, and the sugar in dates is completely vegetable and is easily broken down by the body and used for metabolism. Good kebab dates are fresh and healthy dates that are completely organic, if the fruit or any other product is completely organic and goes through all the stages of its growth naturally, it retains all its excellent properties and taste.

Independent Kabkab Dates Distributor

Independent Kabkab Dates Distributor Independent kabkab dates distributor are doing a lot of activities all over the country so that they can sell different types of Kabkab dates in a variety of ways and all dear consumers can bring successful shopping to themselves. Today, with the increase of economic and work activities, consumers can no longer buy this amazing product in person as a result the distributor has made it possible for such people to make valid and quality purchases through cyberspace and kabkab dates price depends on different conditions. Suppliers of kebab dates sell this product online or directly and indirectly to buy this product, it is better to act directly and save your money. In this way, the profit of sales intermediaries from the product is reduced and the product reaches us at a much better and cheaper price.

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