Golden Zahedi Dates Manufacturers

Bushehr Zahedi dates is one of the types of Iranian dates that has a light color. This type of date is produced in the southwestern regions of the country and has many fans. Raising all kinds of zahidi dates in Bushehr is very economical, because many farmers export their products and thus have a good profit. You can also learn about the dates ingredients and get to know the producers of this product through this site.

Golden Zahedi Dates Manufacturers

Major Differences Between Zahidi and Medjool Dates

Major Differences Between Zahidi and Medjool Dates Did you know that there are more than 3,000 types of dates around the world? They differ in size, color, texture, antioxidant activity, phenolic content and so on. According to reputable news groups, not all types of dates are necessarily suitable for human consumption and industrial production, and in fact only about 200 to 400 types of this fruit are used for trade. Date palm cultivation dates back to more than 7,000 years ago and is one of the oldest plants cultivated by humans. Dates have traditionally been used for various medical purposes and new studies have shown that some types of this fruit due to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties can prevent some diseases and improve some human health conditions. To help.

Medjool or unknown dates have a soft skin and a sweet and rich taste. The texture of this type of date is slightly fibrous. The date palm is large to very large in size and changes color from amber to reddish brown when ripe. The origin of this date goes back to Morocco.

Zahedi dates are semi-dry and have a sweet aroma and taste. This type of date has a medium size and soft and shiny skin. The skin of Zahedi dates is light brown and the flesh of the fruit is golden yellow. Zahedi dates are oval.

There are different types of dried and fresh dates, and each of them has its own benefits and properties and its own special taste, so it is not necessary to get acquainted with the differences between the two types of fresh and dried dates so that you can buy more information. Apply different types of dates. Among the differences between fresh and dried dates are the following:

There is no difference in the salts and minerals of dried and fresh dates, but traditional healers usually recommend dried dates to athletes. Finally, it should be said that each of these dates has its own advantages, and none of them are superior to the other type, and each person can buy the dates according to their preferences and tastes.

Golden Zahidi Dates Nutrition Facts

Golden Zahidi Dates Nutrition Facts Zahidi dates nutrition factc:

Zahedi dates are one of the dried dates in the world. The cultivation of Zahedi dates in Iran is so large that it is cultivated from the southwestern regions of the country such as Kermanshah (Qasr Shirin), Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan province, south of Fars province. Due to its relatively low price and rich properties, it is very popular and especially diabetics can use it as a sugar. The sugar in dates is a type of fructose that not only does not cause blood sugar but is also effective for weight loss. Due to its catalytic properties, this date facilitates the absorption of vitamins and antioxidants. The nature of this date is warm and it is very suitable for people with a cold temperament.

Zahedi dates are rich in fiber, which is why it is better to include the problems that diseases have in their food. These dates control and reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood and are very good for heart health Zahedi potassium is also very useful for relieving pain and pain after strenuous exercise. Zahedi dates are very low Calcium in Zahedi dates is very high and therefore useful for bones Zahedi dates are one of the dates that have a large amount that is recommended for anemia.

Pick the Most Experienced Zahidi Dates Supplier

Pick the Most Experienced Zahidi Dates Supplier Dates are a fruit full of healing properties and great nutritional value. This fruit is available in different types such as Zahedi, Mazafati, Kebkab and.. In our country, Hormozgan province is one of the major producers of Zahedi dates. These dates are very high quality. Suppliers and suppliers of cheap Zahedi dates introduce this product in standard and hygienic packaging. You can buy the best type of date directly from its main producer.

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